Thursday, February 14, 2013

Building an Image

When people think of you, what do they think?

Many of us work on building a reputation, and many of us actually succeed in doing so. Do people know you as the one who can throw the perfect spiral or fastball? Are you the one with the best voice? Maybe you are the brainiac or the class clown. Perhaps people know you as the hardest worker or the rising star.

Those things are usually fine, but let me ask you another question: if you are succeeding in being known for what you want to be known for, is it worth it? Are you striving for the best possible reputation?

I have always been into sports, and in my younger days I wanted to be known as an athlete. As happy as I was to be named MVP of the basketball team when I was in 6th grade, do you think that will come up at my funeral? If that’s the focus, then there clearly wasn’t much to my life.

Proverbs 20:11 says, “Even a child is known by what he does, whether his conduct is pure and upright.” More than being known for things like talents and hobbies, I want to be known and remembered for how I act.

The word “even” in that proverb shows that everyone—from adult down to toddler—is known by his actions. What do people think of you? Don’t get too invested in being known for the things mentioned above; rather, work towards being known as a person whose conduct is pure and upright.

When we live life this way people see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. It is what Jesus had in mind when He said “by this all men will know that you are my disciples: if you have love one for another.” 

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