Tuesday, July 18, 2017


I've read many books over the years where the author has written, "I'm writing this chapter from an airplane, and..." I've always wondered why so many books are written on airplanes. Maybe it's all the downtime. I am not writing this column from an airplane, but from an airport. More specifically, from baggage claim in the Charlotte Airport, which has doubled as my home and office for two days now.

I flew out of DFW yesterday and had an unfortunate four-hour layover in Kansas City, Missouri. When I reached my final destination at 10:00 last night, I didn't realize it would really be my final destination. Somehow my bag didn't make it on the plane; that bag, by the way, had my car and house keys contained within. My car is parked in Long Term 2, but it isn't doing me any good without my keys. Even if I got a ride home, there is no one home and I have no key.

After many conversations with people here, it was decided that my bag would be on the next flight to Charlotte, arriving here at 10:30 AM. Of course that didn't happen, and I eventually found out that my bag was right where it had been sitting for 24 hours. Its ok though, because my back was on another flight, due here at 1:30. Except when the bags came, mine still was not here. They tell me the bag will arrive here at 5:15, but the flight number they gave me is headed towards La Guardia. It has occurred to me that I may actually never leave this place again. 

I'm trying to remain calm and not lose my temper (Yes, I should have held on to my keys, but I paid American Airlines a hefty price to have my keys land with me). I've been praying for patience, and that familiar Bible verse came back to my mind, that “Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength." Patience is a virtue, but waiting patiently on God can be a real challenge. I've been waiting on a bag and my strength is gone, but when we wait on God we find new strength.

Maybe you have been praying for God to do something: bring healing, save a loved one, change your situation. There might be some layovers or lost bags along the way, but when it is all said and done God will not disappoint. Don't give up on Him. Keep praying, keep trusting, keep waiting on the Lord. Sometimes we just have to throw our hands up and accept the fact that we will be waiting a while, so we might as well wait patiently.

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