Monday, October 12, 2020



Danny Cox, a former fighter pilot, wrote a book called Seize the Day, which details the history of fighter jets. One feature he highlights is the ejection system for the pilot. The early model was simple: all the pilot had to do was push the button, and as he rolled forward, his parachute would open. A hitch was discovered during testing, however. Because the jets were so much faster than their predecessors—the propeller planes—the pilots were terrified and held onto their seats for dear life. As long as they held onto their seats, their chutes could not open. 


Designers had to tinker with the system. They added a strap underneath the seat and behind the headrest. When the pilot pushed the ejection button, these straps gave the pilot a push, which not only ejected them, but allowed their parachutes to open and take them safely down to the ground. Those original jet fighter pilots knew what to do, but they just needed a good push. 


There are times in our lives when we could use a push ourselves. Maybe you know there is something you are supposed to be doing, but you are sitting in the cockpit clutching to your seat. I realize that what you have been called to do may be scary, but there is no point in going down with the ship. 


Had God laid in on your heart to serve the church in some capacity? Do you know deep down that you are supposed to be volunteering to teach, sing, or minister in some other way? Maybe you get stage fright. Maybe you have never done it before. I get it. But if God has called you, He will equip you to do it. You do not go alone when you are serving God. Paul said that the Spirit of God is the one who gives us the ability to serve, “for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12).” 


Throughout the Bible God used ordinary people to do great things: Moses delivered Israel from Egypt, David was a shepherd turned king, Ezra rebuilt the temple, and Nehemiah rebuilt the city walls. Outside of the Bible God still works through people: George Whitfield, Johnathan Edwards, Nate Saint, Jim Elliot, Billy Sunday, Billy Graham—maybe one day we can add your name to the list. 


It won’t happen if you keep holding onto your seat. Just push the ejection button and let go. God’s Holy Spirit will take over and guide you the rest of the way.  



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