Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Birds and the Bugs

I realize that writing about insects might not be the best topic for some of you, but have you ever thought about how their existence disproves evolution and upholds the Genesis Creation model? Much to our dismay, bugs multiply at an astonishing rate. It has been estimated that in a single season, a pair of Colorado potato beetles can produce 60 million beetles. If that doesn't make your skin crawl, maybe this will: amphids can produce 10 sextillion amphids in a year. A single female fly can produce 144,000 bushels of babies in one summer.

Those numbers are only true is the bug population is left unchecked. Fortunately, they are not left unchecked. Birds eat bugs, and not just a few bugs. Chickadees alone are estimated to eat 8 billion bugs a year. The scarlet tanager can consume 600 caterpillars in 18 minutes. If there were no birds, how many bugs would be on this planet (or in your pantry)?

Darwinian evolution teaches that insects existed for many millions of years before birds evolved. That isn't possible, given their reproduction rate. Bugs would have ravaged all vegetation on Earth in no time, leaving the planet uninhabitable. The Bible, on the other hand, teaches that bugs and birds were made during the week of Creation. Knowing what we know, the Bible certainly holds up better than Darwin's theory.

"And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good."

Genesis 1:31

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