Monday, July 23, 2012

Grand Prix Cars

Every year we have our AWANA Grand Prix at church where the kids make cars for a big race. Every person gets a kit to make a car, which includes a block of wood. From there each racer has some decisions to make: will they make their car fast, or will they go for design?

In past races I have focused my cars on design. Once car resembled the Florida Gators logo, and this past car was a replica of my Gator-themed pick up truck. Both of those cars were rewarded with 3rd place in design. 

Just as each contestant begins with a plain block of wood, so each person begins life with a clean slate, and we all have choices to make. Hebrews 11:6 says that God “is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” We each have to choose if we are going to seek God or not, and if we do, then we have another choice to make, and that is if we are going to obey Him. 

Some people explore who God is, but they never commit their lives to Him, and God does not reward those people. We must choose to submit to Him, repent, deny ourselves, and obey the Lord. At the Grand Prix, some cars are very fast, and yet they do not place; others have awesome designs, and yet they receive no trophy. But that is not how God works. He doesn’t just reward the richest, smartest, or most talented; He rewards all who diligently seek and obey Him. 

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