Monday, July 23, 2012

If Tomorrow Never Comes

There has been talk recently about the coming end of the world, and people have been busy trying to guess when it will be. But instead of trying to forecast that far out, we need to be careful not to neglect Proverbs 27:1, which says, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”

We don’t even know if tomorrow will come, let alone what it will bring. The only thing that we know for sure about tomorrow is that God will be on the throne.

So what if tomorrow never comes? Are you ready to stand before Jesus Christ right now while He passes down judgment about heaven or hell? If you answer no, then what are you waiting for? Please realize that you are not guaranteed another day to make that choice.

And if you answered yes, are you actively telling other people about what God has done for you and them? If tomorrow never comes, how many people that you know will not like the sentence that comes down from the Lord?

Instead of putting stock in unlikely apocalyptic predictions, we should embrace the reality that no one knows what tomorrow will bring forth. Let’s live like tomorrow will not come.

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